The Goldie Hawn Foundation is a not-for-profit organization created in response to the global epidemic of childhood aggression, anxiety, depression and suicide. Based firmly in neuroscience, MindUP gives children the knowledge and tools they need to manage stress, regulate emotions and face the challenges of the 21st century with resilience. To date, MindUP has trained over 150,000 teachers in 12 countries, and impacted over 6 Million children. MindUP’s signature program is an acclaimed classroom-based curriculum, spanning pre-school through middle school/ junior high. The program may also be used with high school students with a few accommodations. Published by Scholastic, this 15-lesson series is based on four pillars: neuroscience, social-emotional learning (SEL), positive psychology and mindful awareness. These lessons work together to build awareness and self-regulation that increase children's academic performance, self-control, empathy, and optimism.
Participants will:
1. Review the evidence supporting social emotional learning (SEL) programs and the significance of a Collaborative for Academic and Social Emotional Learning (CASEL) endorsement
2. Learn about the foundational principles of MindUP with discussion about how school social workers can work with teachers to implement MindUP in the classroom
3. Experience the MindUP curriculum through interactive learning examples related to tasting, smelling, seeing, listening and movement
4. Develop an acquaintance with how MindUP supports children’s acquisition of skills to learn about their brains, recognize and manage emotions, develop concerns for others, make responsible decisions and maintain positive relationships
5. Learn how to use MindUP to achieve your goals as a school social worker through tiered interventions
Dr. Charlene Myklebust, Psy.D. is President and an Educational Leadership Consultant with Professional Education Pal, LLC. She was a regular and special education teacher, care and treatment school administrator, mental and chemical health provider, and Executive Director of Mental Health and Partnerships in Intermediate District 287. Char co-authored the MDE teacher training series, "Early Warning Signs of Children's Mental Health Disorders." She was recognized for "Outstanding Service" by the Minnesota Association for Children's Mental Health (MACMH) and received the "Educator of the Year” award from the Minnesota Chapter of the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI-MN). As a Goldie Hawn Foundation MindUP consultant, she contributed to the development of the curriculum. She also coordinates a grant through the Minnesota Department of Human Services called “The Minnesota School-based Diversion Model for Students with Co-occurring Disorders.” This program is designed to dramatically reduce the school-to-prison pipeline phenomenon. Dr. Myklebust, on behalf of MACMH and MDE, has developed a tiered intervention model for supporting youth with mental health disorders in the schools. Char speaks at conferences about topics related to children’s mental health; brain development; trauma; restorative justice and practices; Adverse Childhood Experiences; social emotional learning; and alternatives to suspension, expulsion, incarceration and punishment of youth.
Group Discount Available** Register 5 and get the 6thFree – Contact Tony Porter at mplstonyjoel@gmail.com for more details.

5.5 CEU hours have been approved by the MN Board of Social Work.
Conference Questions?
Tony Porter
Dan Porter