2023 Legislators of the Year

Due to the significance of the 2023 Legislative Session and the critical wins our organization had related to both specific money prioritized for Student Support Personnel and the amendment to finally allow districts to seek Federal Medicaid Reimbursement for school social work services on a student's IEP/IFSP, MSSWA will be honoring 5 individuals who were integral in moving these initiatives forward. 

Rep. Kaela Berg (Chief Author for Student Support Personnel Aid in the House District 55B)

Senator John Hoffman (Chief Author for Student Support Personnel Aid in the Senate and co-Author for Medicaid Reimbursement Bill District 34)

Rep. Cheryl Youakim (Chief Author for Third Party Reimbursement for SSW Services on an IEP/IFSP in the House & was Conference Committee Chair District 46B)

Senator Nick Frentz (Chief Author for Third Party Reimbursement for SSW Services on an IEP/IFSP in the House District 18) 

Senator Mary Kunesh (Chair of the Senate Education Committee and Conference Committee District 39)

Pictured above are MN Representative Berg, Representative Youakim, Senator Kunesh and MSSWA Legislative Coordinator Christy McCoy

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