2024 MSSWA Virtual Spring Conference
Wednesday, April 10th, 2024
8:00am to 3:30pm

"Substance Use: Prevention, Intervention and Recovery to Support All Students"
The Spring Conference will be recorded and registrants will have 30 days post conference to view the recording and still receive the CEU's, so if you can't attend the day of the conference, you can still attend on your own time!
**Click HERE for 2024 Virtual Spring Conference Brochure**
Spring Conference Agenda
Wednesday, April 10th, 2024
8:00-8:15 Zoom login opens
8:15-8:30 Welcome/Overview of the Day
8:30-9:15 Sharing Stories of Lived Experience
9:15-10:45 Providing a Diverse Spectrum of Care: Prevention Strategies for All Students
10:45-10:55 Break
10:55-12:10 Movie Viewing: “Screenagers Under the Influence”
12:10-12:20 Break
12:20-1:50 Effective Evidence-Based Interventions in Adolescent Substance Abuse
1:50-2:00 Break
2:00-3:20 Providing a Diverse Spectrum of Care Part 2: Recovery Support for All Students
3:20-3:30 Closing Remarks / Evaluation link and CEU’s will be emailed post conference
Sharing Stories of Lived Experience
Jeremy Sutliff, Certified Peer Recovery Support Specialist
Participants will hear a story of lived experience with substance use and recovery and how sharing lived experience can be a powerful tool in support of youth in both prevention and recovery support.
Participants will be able to:
1. Hear a story of recovery to better understand the perspective of someone who has walked through a personal journey of recovery
2. Learn how sharing personal experience can be a powerful tool for prevention and to support students struggling with substance use disorder
3. Learn about stigma reduction and understanding different ways that substance use and recovery can look for everyone
Providing a Diverse Spectrum of Care, Part 1: Prevention Strategies for All Students
Elle Braland, BS
Participants will learn updated approaches to help prevent youth substance use, from initial education to actively preventing and delaying initial use. This training will focus on utilizing Social Emotional Learning, Motivational Interviewing and Trauma Informed Care approaches specifically designed to focus on a broad spectrum of student needs and levels of care. By utilizing these approaches, school social workers will be able to build a trusting relationship with the students they serve and develop an updated foundation to support this generation of youth and the unique problems they face.
Participants will be able to:
1. Learn adaptive prevention strategies to reach youth who no longer perceive substances as dangerous
2. Learn how to have productive and impactful conversations with youth utilizing evidence-based practices and relationship building skills to support a wide spectrum of student needs and levels of care
3. Learn about the value of Social Emotional Learning, Motivational Interviewing and Trauma-Informed care approaches in the field of prevention
Movie Viewing: “Screenagers Under the Influence: Vaping, Drugs and Alcohol in the Digital Age”
Examine the impact of our digital age on teens’ decision making in relation to substances such as vaping, alcohol and drugs.
Effective Evidence-Based Interventions in Adolescent Substance Abuse
Jessica Garrison, MSW, CSWA, CADC II
Understanding the importance of evidence-based interventions in a school setting as they relate to adolescent substance use.
Participants will be able to:
1. Understand the difference between prevention and intervention in substance use
2. Determine which evidence-based intervention to use depending on the situation
3. Understand the importance of engaging the family system in the intervention approach.
Providing a Diverse Spectrum of Care, Part 2: Recovery Support for All Students
Elle Braland, BS
Participants will learn updated substance use trends and integrative approaches to support students who may be struggling with substance use or substance use disorder. This training will focus on utilizing evidence-based approaches to Harm Reduction, Trauma-Informed Care, and Motivational Interviewing to come alongside students of all different backgrounds and spectrums of need. By utilizing these approaches, school social workers will be able to build trusting relationships with students and develop a level of care that is essential for supporting youth struggling with substance use.
Participants will be able to:
1. Learn more about the use of harm reduction, trauma-informed care, motivational interviewing and how utilizing these practices across a spectrum of differing student needs is crucial for supporting students who are using substances
2. Learn what substances students are using, how they’re gaining access, and what the laws are surrounding these substances
3. Learn about Peer Recovery Support and the positive impact it has on youth and school staff

7 Clinical CEU hours have been approved by the MN Board of Social Work.
Conference Questions?
Tony Porter
Dan Porter