2021 MSSWA Virtual Spring Conference
April 5th, 2021
8:30am to 3:30pm

**Click HERE to Register NOW!!**
AM and PM sessions will be recorded and registrants will have 30 days post conference to view the recording and still earn CEU's!
Links for the conference viewing, as well as a link to access presenter handouts, will be emailed to all registered attendees on FRIDAY, APRIL 2ND, 2021.

The 7 Essential Ingredients of Trauma Sensitive Schools is an introduction to the model of trauma informed care that SaintA has developed over the past ten years and has implemented across a variety of school environments. This training will provide concrete resources and strategies for school-wide practice.
Part 1: Participants will be able to:
1. Understand the use of trauma sensitive practice when applied to a multi-tiered approach
2. Describe the prevalence of adverse experiences and the scope of their impact
3. Define a trauma informed perspective and learn strategies to support a shift in the perspective of others
4. Define how trauma affects the brain and influences development, behavior and learning
Part 2: Participants will be able to:
**Attendance of Part 1 is recommended before viewing Part 2. Participants in Part 2 will need prior exposure to trauma sensitive school content
1. Learn school-wide regulatory practices that benefit all students
2. Identify factors that enhance the capacity for positive relationships for students who have adverse experiences
3. Describe how purpose, belonging and safety enhance student well-being
4. Identify techniques that enhance caregiver capacity and connect them to client outcomes
5. Identify action steps to create a trauma sensitive school environment for all students
Sara Daniel, MSW, LCSW, is the Vice President of Educational Services for SaintA, an agency that is leading the way in providing trauma informed care to children and families in Wisconsin. Since 1997, Sara has been collaborating with school districts and early care settings to provide consultation and training in working with students affected by trauma, mental health issues or behavioral challenges. She oversees a continuum of services that provide for students, families and schools to support student success. Sara is currently a senior coach and consultant for the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction Trauma Sensitive School Initiative and the co-author of the Trauma Sensitive Schools Learning Module Series https://dpi.wi.gov/sspw/mental-health/trauma/modules. She has worked with countess school districts nationwide and trained thousands of school staff on the 7ei of Trauma Sensitive Schools. Sara is also certified in the Neurosequential Model of Therapeutics (NMT) and is the leader of the Adverse Childhood Experience (ACE) Interface Master Trainer Project for the state of Wisconsin.

6.5 CEU hours have been approved by the MN Board of Social Work.
Conference Questions?
Tony Porter
Dan Porter