MSSWA Region 10 Meeting
“Your Attention Please...Clearing the Fog on ADHD for School Social Workers”
Presented by:
Joshua Stein, MD - PrairieCare
DATE: Wednesday, November 11th, 2020
TIME: From 4:00PM to 7:00PM
LOCATION: Online via Zoom Platform/Login information will be emailed Nov 9th
3:45 - 4:00 - Login to Zoom for session
4:00 - 6:00 - “Your Attention Please...Clearing the Fog on ADHD for School Social Workers”, Joshua Stein, MD - PrairieCare
6:00 - 7:00 - Resources, networking and collaboration to support Region 10
COST: MSSWA Region 10 Members: FREE
MSSWA Members: (Non Region 10): $10.00
Others (Non MSSWA Members) wishing to attend: $15.00
You must register and pay By/Before Nov 7th, 2020
REGISTER ON LINE AT: MSSWA Region 10 Meeting - November 11th, 2020
“Your Attention Please...Clearing the Fog on ADHD for School Social Workers”
Presented by:
Joshua Stein, MD - PrairieCare
Dr. Stein is the clinical director and an attending clinician at the PrairieCare Brooklyn Park Partial Hospital Program (PHP) and operates a clinic out of the Brooklyn Park Medical Office Building. The clinic is used as a bridge for patient’s leaving PHP until they can see their outpatient provider.
The rate of ADHD diagnoses continue to increase as does the exposure in the media. Parent websites, new articles, specials on Netflix and even humor on Southpark question if it is over-diagnosed and if too many youth are on medications. Is this true? Are smart phones creating a new normal of an ADHD society? Do stimulants put my child at risk for substance use?
The goal of this lecture is to clear the fog on ADHD and provide a thorough review of this medical condition. The two hour session will focus on reviewing the science behind the diagnosis, clarifying the differential, explaining the various modalities of treatment and exploring outcomes over the lifespan. Finally throughout the lectures numerous commonly held beliefs regarding ADHD will be demystified.
· Clarify the science behind ADHD.
· Understand the differential for a child with attention or hyperactivity concerns.
· Understand the various modalities of treatment including both pharmacological and behavioral
· Demystify commonly held beliefs about ADHD
· Explore common trajectories throughout the lifespan
Contact: Dan Porter - danpporter@msn.com or Cara McGlynn -cmcglynn@916schools.org