MSSWA Day at the Hill 2025

  • 03/06/2025
  • 8:15 AM - 3:15 PM
  • Education Minnesota, 41 Sherburne Ave, Conference Room 6, St Paul, MN 55103


  • BSW/MSW Students
  • Students,
    Membership is free! As you register, please consider requesting membership. Among other benefits, students are eligible to apply for the $500 scholarship given each spring.

Registration is closed



The 22nd Annual

MSSWA Day at the Hill

"School Social Work Advocacy in Action: Human Rights, Justice, Change, Inclusion, and Empowerment"

Virtual & In Person

Thursday, March 6th, 2025

8:15am to 3:15pm


Education Minnesota, 41 Sherburne Ave, Conference Room 6,

St Paul, MN 55103

**Click HERE for Day on the Hill Brochure**




What is Day on the Hill?  Day at the Hill provides an opportunity for school social workers to come together to elevate the profession of social work and to educate state lawmakers about how school social workers address student barriers to academic success in cost effective ways. 

Up to 6 CEUs awarded for those attending in-person (Virtual Participants earn 3.5 CEU's). This is a staff development/Board of Social Work approved opportunity, not a political lobby day. 

Who should attend? 

• Current or past school social workers 

• Students interested in the field of school social work 

• Friends and supporters of school social work and public education 

Cost: The cost for in-person would be $50.00 for MSSWA members, $80.00 non-members and $20.00 for BSW and MSW students, which includes breakfast, lunch and t-shirt. Cost for virtual $25.00 MSSWA members and $50.00 for nonmembers (t-shirt can be purchased for an additional $20 + $6 for shipping).


7:45-8:15: Registration

8:15-8:30: Welcome and Opening Remarks / Introductions

8:30-10:00: Keynote Presentation - The Vital Role of School SOcial Workers in Reducing Chronic Absenteeism: Keynote Panelists include: Molly Fox, MSW, LICSW; Morgan McDowell, MSW, LICSW; Sarah Parker, MSW, LGSW; Nicole Othermedicine, MSW, LICSW; Janine Huyer-DeVries, MSW, LICSW; & Christy McCoy, MSW, LICSW

10:00-10:10: Break

10:10-10:40:  Student Support Personnel Legislation and Pipeline Grant; Update from MDE: Megan Lagasse, MSW, LICSW, LSSW, Student Support Personnel SPecialist

10:45-11:45: Advocacy in 2025: Jenny Arneson, MSW, LGSW, Legislative Consultant

11:45-12:30: Lunch and prep for visits (Virtual participants meet with Christy/Jenny for 15 minutes to answer questions and discuss next steps for meeting with legislators)

12:45-3:15: Visits with Legislators

School social workers play a critical role in advocating, promoting and impacting the realization of educational equity and social justice for all! Day on the Hill is one avenue in which all of us can engage as true change agents on a macro level! REGISTER TODAY!!!! 

Keynote Presentation: "The Vital Role of School Social Workers in Reducing Chronic Absenteeism"

Across the nation, the rise in chronic absenteeism since the pandemic continues to be a major concern for administrators, educators, school personnel, families, communities and policy makers. According to the most current data shared by the U.S. Department of Education, the rate of chronic absenteeism has doubled in the aftermath of the pandemic from 15% during the 2018-2019 school year, to a level of 30% during the 2021-2022 school year with very minor improvement in the 2022-2023 school year. Furthermore, disparities in levels of chronic absenteeism across racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic lines also widened.

The reality is this data illuminates an alarming trend that ultimately creates negative outcomes not just at the individual level but also for the school, community and society as a whole. Addressing this issue requires a comprehensive approach where school social workers are well positioned through their unique training and perspective to lead the efforts in reducing barriers to attendance while also increasing engagement. This session offers an opportunity to gain insight from a panel of social work leaders and practitioners who are guiding initiatives at the school, district, familial and community levels. The following learning objectives will offer participants tools to elevate their impact and effectiveness in reducing chronic absenteeism through a holistic framework:


1. Explore differentiated interventions using an MTSS framework and role of the school social worker.

2. Develop strategies to leverage culturally responsive family and community partnerships.

3. Obtain tools for increasing the visibility and awareness of school social work interventions related to attendance, engagement, student wellbeing and academic success.

Christy McCoy MSW LICSW

MSSWA Legislative Chair

School Social Worker

Como Park Senior High School

If not registering online, complete hard copy registration in the brochure. 

Make checks payable to MSSWA and mail to* :

MSSWA/Attn: Susanne Schroeder

901 Parker Avenue

Roseville, MN 55113

* No cancellations or refunds after 3/1/25
Register by March 1st, 2025

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